September 2, 2021

The Essential Worker Toolbox:
Breaking Family Transmission Chains

Family Survive & Thrive Guide

Session Overview

More than 1,000 household responses have guided our learning community. Our professional first responders and the critical essential workers who keep the light, water, food, money, and education flowing in our communities are experiencing an unprecedented infection rate in their families with the current surge. Join us and learn about tools employees can use. What if a roommate or family member:

  • Is exposed or infected?
  • Needs to go the ED?
  • Needs care at home?
  • Is admitted to the ICU?
  • Needs to recover at home?
  • Gets Long Haul COVID disease?

Answer the following questions:

  • Masks – do I upgrade or not?
  • Vaccines – do I need a booster?
  • If I have been infected, do I need a vaccine?
  • What is a Family CFO – the Chief Family Officer

The Coronavirus Community of Practice and our panel of speakers and reaction panelists were introduced. Law enforcement and emergency response experts were complimented by caregivers in critical care and infection preventionists. A first responder human resources training and legal expert was introduced.

Webinar Video, and Downloads

Speaker Slide Set:

Click here to download the combined speakers’ slide set in PDF format – one (1) slide per page.
Click here to download the combined speakers’ slide set in PDF format – four (4) slides per page

Complete Video


The Coronavirus Community of Practice and our panel of speakers and reaction panelists were introduced. Law enforcement and emergency response experts were complimented by caregivers in critical care and infection preventionists. A first responder human resources training and legal expert was introduced.

The CHSO (Chief Health Security Officer) & CFO (Chief Family Safety Officer)

Those who rely on the public health system to protect their business and their families are going to lose. Every organization needs someone to play the role of a Chief Health Security Officer who helps protect the clinical, operational, and financial health of the employees. Every family needs a Chief Family Officer to do the same. 

Turn the Science into Safety

The CDC, state, and local public health organizations are doing their best to keep up with the science. They provide the WHAT.  We teach the HOW. The goal is to “turn the science into safety” for families. The goal of organizations is to “turn the safety into success”.

Vaccines – Take the Shots

The four most important questions for those who are vaccinated or not are: Can I get it, can I spread it, can I get sick now, and can I get Long COVID? The answers for all four questions are “yes”. Vaccination dramatically reduces the risk for infection, hospitalization, and death. There is a significant case for vaccination. 

Take the Shot…Save a Life

The Vaccination Conversation and Vaccination FAQ messages generated by college students, alumni, and young adults are resources that organizations and families can use to tackle the “movable middle”. Those families and individuals who are vaccine-hesitant. By no means are the resources intended to provoke anti-vaxers.

Coming Home Safe

Our 90-minute program developed early in the pandemic to address hot, cold, and safe zones were updated to address the evolving science and the necessary emphasis on aerosol risk and the diminished priority of cleaning high contact surfaces. Our original checklists have stood the test of time.

Masks: Filter, Fit, and Finish

The latest update on masks and the importance of upgrading masks from cloth to N95 or at least Level 3 ASTM medical surgical procedural mask is provided. We address the need for good filtration, a good fit with a seal so that air will not escape around the mask, and a careful finish so that one does not risk contamination after use.

Keeping the Family Safe

The importance of finetuning the behavior and family plan to the threats, vulnerability, and risk is addressed. Both inside threats intrinsic to a family and the outside threats of the local community contribute to the evolving formulation of a family safety plan.

Creating a Family Safety Plan

The 5 R’s of our national household family research project are addressed: Readiness, Response, Rescue, Recovery, and Resilience.  Our templates and structure for family plans use this framework. The most common patient scenarios are covered to make sure that families are safe.  

Practicing the Family Safety Plan

One of our award-winning educators addresses the concept of the Chief Family Officer (CFO) and the…

Family Lifeguard Program

A video produced during the 2020-2021 holiday surge introduces checklists families and friends can use to protect them during gatherings. Deployed to more than 18,000 families with great reviews, the approach is being disseminated as students return to school and families congregate during the Delta Surge.

Providing Care at Home

A set of checklists that had been developed early in the pandemic to convert a home room into an isolation room to allow safe care at home. They were updated to address the challenges of the Delta COVID surge. The prioritization risk of aerosol spread was addressed and the less intense focus on contact surfaces was covered.  

Emergency Rescue Skills

It is critical that families understand what to watch for to assist loved ones and friends get emergency care. It is very important that everyone is protected as they transport someone who is sick to the hospital. Masking, keeping car windows open, and making sure to have charged mobile phone batteries are just a few concepts to keep in mind.  

The 5 Rights of Emergency Care

There are critical issues in emergency care regardless of the emergency: The right provider, right diagnosis, right treatment, right discharge, and right follow up are key. These are reviewed by Dr. Christopher Peabody, the Director of the Innovation Center for Acute Care and an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at UCSF.

What to Do – They’re in ICU

Most essential workers and the general public do not know what to expect when a family member has to be admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). It is critical that families understand the care delivered and what a respirator is and why it is used and well as ECMO, the artificial lung which may have to be used for the sickest patients.

Long Haulers & COVID Recovery

The latest reported information on the frequency of COVID Long Haul disease was reviewed. The persistence of symptoms has been well documented now with fatigue being the most common. Even non-hospitalized patients have persistent symptoms that can degrade their performance on the job.  

The 4 P’s at the New Normal

Our series of Survive and Thrive Courses were reviewed and mapped against the fundamentals of the 4 P’s: Prevention, Preparedness, Protection, and Performance Improvement. The updates to the programs revolve around the new science regarding aerosol spread, the variants, and the likelihood of future surge events.  

Closing Reactions and Comments

Our panel of speakers and reaction panelists from law enforcement, emergency response, frontline caregivers, and patient advocate made their closing remarks that underscored the importance of the toolbox concepts, tools, and resources.

Learning Objectives:

  • Awareness:  Participants become aware of the best practices and science related to vaccines, variants, and safe behaviors as the nation reopens.
  • Accountability:  Participants will learn who may be accountable for actions that can be taken to help family members, friends, and housemates related to vaccines and reopening processes.
  • Ability:  Participants will learn about the concepts, tools, and resources that can enable them support their family and friends before and after they are vaccinated.
  • Action:  Participants will learn about the line-of-sight actions that will help them support those who will be vaccinated and safe practices on the path to the new normal.

To request a Participation Document, please click here.

The CAREUniversity Team of TMIT Global, approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 15996, will be issuing 1.5 contact hours for this webinar. TMIT Global is only providing nursing credit at this time.

Session Speakers and Panelists

Charles Denham, MD
Charles Denham, MD
Gregory H. Botz, MD
Gregory H. Botz, MD
Christopher Peabody, MD
Christopher Peabody, MD
Brittany Owens, MD
Brittany Owens, MD
Heather Foster, RN
Heather Foster, RN
Jennifer Dingman
Jennifer Dingman
Randal Styner
Randal Styner
Paul Cross
Paul Cross
William Adcox
William Adcox
David Morris, Ph.D., J.D.
David Morris, Ph.D., J.D.