Our Olympic athletes, their support teams, and their families are at extraordinary risk for the 2024 Olympics. We are developing a training program, a first responder system, and the capability of taking care of everyone who is supporting our athletes in Paris and Tahiti. The video below addresses our work in support of safety at the Olympic surf competition in Tahiti.

We are blessed to be collaborating with professional and volunteer first responders, lifeguards, surfers, and olympic athletes. The videos and table below are intended to serve the future and team members participating in our Emerging Threat Community of Practice. 

Private course content has been prepared for lifeguards, surfers, and olympic athletes by the Med Tac Team. We have added additional content to the American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support Course and the American College of Surgeons STOP THE BLEED course.

Click here to access the private course material.   Your leaders will provide you user and password information in order to log in to the secure pages.