February 3, 2022

Testing to Navigate Care
Family Survive & Thrive Guide

Session Overview

Testing is becoming very important to our “new normal”. The CDC tells us the WHAT to DO. We will provide the HOW. Our more than 1,000 household responses and more than 130 subject matter experts have guided our learning community. Let’s learn together and answer:

  • What is VIRAL LOAD and what do I need to know?
  • What is the RIGHT TEST at the RIGHT TIME?
  • How do the TESTS DIFFER – PCR vs Antigen?
  • QUARANTINE: HOW does testing impact it?
  • ISOLATION: HOW does testing impact it?
  • Can testing make FAMILY GATHERINGS SAFER?
  • How does TEST-TO-STAY work?
  • How do I best TEST-TO-TRAVEL?

We will provide a thorough update on how to keep your employees, families, and business safer through future surges.

Go to  https://www.medtacglobal.org/coronavirus-response/ for short videos covering the critical topics. Join as we focus on family Readiness, Response, Rescue, Recovery, and Resilience.

We offer these online webinars at no cost to our participants.

Webinar Video, and Downloads

Speaker Slide Set:

Click here to download the combined speakers’ slide set in PDF format – one (1) slide per page.

Click here to download the combined speakers’ slide set in PDF format – one (4) slides per page.

Webinar Video:


The Coronavirus Community of Practice and our panel of speakers and reaction panelists were introduced. Leaders of first responder groups including security, police, and university emergency response provided commentary on the implementation of testing.

A Commentary of Testing Questions

Dr. Gregory Botz, a co-founder of the Med Tac Bystander Rescue Care program who is a professor of anesthesia and critical care at MD Anderson Cancer Center, chief medical officer of the University of Texas Police Department, and adjunct professor of anesthesia at Stanford Medical College comments on the COVID testing questions we address.

The Right Test at the Right Time

We address viral load and the detail regarding the utility of RT-PCR or what are called PCR tests, the Rapid Antigen test, NAAT tests, and antibody tests. Once the science of the tests is understood, the value of the use of Rapid Antigen Tests and PCR tests and their timing become clear.

Testing for Quarantine & Isolation

We address the latest guidelines regarding Quarantine and Isolation from the CDC. The CDC soft advice of the testing option are addressed. Public health and scientists are recommending testing being used to assess infectiousness with the knowledge that there is a certain false-negative rate, and that serial testing is advisable following the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Safer Gatherings with Testing

There is much we can do to make family gatherings safer. We will never be 100% Safe. In this section we address how testing can be integrated into a plan that implements the COVID safe practices of distance, masking, hand hygiene, disinfecting high contact surfaces, and avoiding poorly ventilated areas. Given aerosol spread is the major mode of transmission, we address the threats, vulnerabilities, and risks that need to be understood.

Test to Stay at Work

There is much we can do to make family gatherings safer. We will never be 100% Safe. In this section we address how testing can be integrated into a plan that implements the COVID safe practices of distance, masking, hand hygiene, disinfecting high contact surfaces, and avoiding poorly ventilated areas. Given aerosol spread is the major mode of transmission, we address the threats, vulnerabilities, and risks that need to be understood.

Test to Travel

We take a typical business traveler loop or the travel loop that family members may take to go for a visit to a destination. We address integrating testing and the COVID safe practices into the travel plans and how a trip may be made safer – reducing the likelihood of getting infected and most importantly not infecting colleagues or family members when a person returns home.

COVID Testing Fraud & Scams

There are an enormous number of fraudsters preying on unsuspecting consumers in the COVID ecosystem. They include test sites that may not even run a test, produce fake test results, sell false vaccination documentation, and even steal personal identities. We play a short warning video from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.


Learning Objectives:

  • Awareness:  Participants will learn about COVID Testing as we make the journey to the “new normal”.
  • Accountability:  Participants will understand who in families and organizations can be accountable for getting loved ones, friends, and employees COVID testing.
  • Ability:  Participants will learn about the know-how necessary to get the right tests at the right time to take the right actions based on COVID testing.
  • Action:  Participants may understand what line-of-sight actions may be taken to take advantage of COVID testing to improve the care of those they love and work with.

To request a Participation Document, please click here.

The CAREUniversity Team of TMIT Global, approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 15996, will be issuing 1.5 contact hours for this webinar. TMIT Global is only providing nursing credit at this time.

Session Speakers and Panelists

[fusion_person name=”Charles Denham, MD” title=”” picture=”https://www.medtacglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Denham.gif” picture_id=”75|full” pic_link=”denham_bio” linktarget=”_self” pic_style=”” pic_style_blur=”” pic_style_color=”” pic_bordersize=”” pic_bordercolor=”” pic_borderradius=”” hover_type=”none” background_color=”” content_alignment=”center” icon_position=”” social_icon_boxed=”” social_icon_boxed_radius=”” social_icon_color_type=”” social_icon_colors=”” social_icon_boxed_colors=”” social_icon_tooltip=”” blogger=”” deviantart=”” discord=”” digg=”” dribbble=”” dropbox=”” facebook=”” flickr=”” forrst=”” instagram=”” linkedin=”” mixer=”” myspace=”” paypal=”” pinterest=”” reddit=”” rss=”” skype=”” soundcloud=”” spotify=”” tumblr=”” twitch=”” twitter=”” vimeo=”” vk=”” whatsapp=”” xing=”” yahoo=”” yelp=”” youtube=”” email=”” show_custom=”no” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” /]
[fusion_person name=”Randal Styner” title=”” picture=”https://www.medtacglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/randyStyner.jpg” picture_id=”2858|full” pic_link=”styner_bio” linktarget=”_self” pic_style=”” pic_style_blur=”” pic_style_color=”” pic_bordersize=”” pic_bordercolor=”” pic_borderradius=”” hover_type=”none” background_color=”” content_alignment=”center” icon_position=”” social_icon_boxed=”” social_icon_boxed_radius=”” social_icon_color_type=”” social_icon_colors=”” social_icon_boxed_colors=”” social_icon_tooltip=”” blogger=”” deviantart=”” discord=”” digg=”” dribbble=”” dropbox=”” facebook=”” flickr=”” forrst=”” instagram=”” linkedin=”” myspace=”” paypal=”” pinterest=”” reddit=”” rss=”” skype=”” soundcloud=”” spotify=”” tiktok=”” tumblr=”” twitch=”” twitter=”” vimeo=”” vk=”” wechat=”” whatsapp=”” xing=”” yahoo=”” yelp=”” youtube=”” email=”” phone=”” show_custom=”no” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” /]
[fusion_person name=”Heather Foster, RN” title=”” picture=”https://www.medtacglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/heatherFoster.jpg” picture_id=”2232|full” pic_link=”foster_bio” linktarget=”_self” pic_style=”” pic_style_blur=”” pic_style_color=”” pic_bordersize=”” pic_bordercolor=”” pic_borderradius=”” hover_type=”none” background_color=”” content_alignment=”center” icon_position=”” social_icon_boxed=”” social_icon_boxed_radius=”” social_icon_color_type=”” social_icon_colors=”” social_icon_boxed_colors=”” social_icon_tooltip=”” blogger=”” deviantart=”” discord=”” digg=”” dribbble=”” dropbox=”” facebook=”” flickr=”” forrst=”” instagram=”” linkedin=”” myspace=”” paypal=”” pinterest=”” reddit=”” rss=”” skype=”” soundcloud=”” spotify=”” tiktok=”” tumblr=”” twitch=”” twitter=”” vimeo=”” vk=”” wechat=”” whatsapp=”” xing=”” yahoo=”” yelp=”” youtube=”” email=”” phone=”” show_custom=”no” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” /]
[fusion_person name=”Gregory H. Botz, M.D., FCCM” title=”” picture=”https://www.medtacglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/gregoryBotz.jpg” picture_id=”77|full” pic_link=”botz_bio” linktarget=”_self” icon_position=”” blogger=”” deviantart=”” discord=”” digg=”” dribbble=”” dropbox=”” facebook=”” flickr=”” forrst=”” instagram=”” linkedin=”” myspace=”” paypal=”” pinterest=”” reddit=”” rss=”” skype=”” teams=”” soundcloud=”” spotify=”” telegram=”” tiktok=”” tumblr=”” twitch=”” twitter=”” vimeo=”” vk=”” wechat=”” whatsapp=”” xing=”” yahoo=”” yelp=”” youtube=”” email=”” phone=”” show_custom=”no” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” margin_top_medium=”” margin_right_medium=”” margin_bottom_medium=”” margin_left_medium=”” margin_top_small=”” margin_right_small=”” margin_bottom_small=”” margin_left_small=”” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=”” pic_style=”” pic_style_blur=”” pic_style_color=”” hue=”” saturation=”” lightness=”” alpha=”” pic_bordersize=”” pic_bordercolor=”” pic_borderradius=”” hover_type=”none” background_color=”” content_alignment=”center” social_icon_tooltip=”” social_icon_boxed=”” social_box_border_top=”” social_box_border_right=”” social_box_border_bottom=”” social_box_border_left=”” social_icon_boxed_radius=”” social_icon_color_type=”” social_icon_colors=”” social_icon_boxed_colors=”” social_box_border_color=”” social_icon_colors_hover=”” social_box_colors_hover=”” social_box_border_color_hover=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” /]
[fusion_person name=”William Adcox” title=”” picture=”https://www.medtacglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/williamAdcox.jpg” picture_id=”79|full” pic_link=”adcox_bio” linktarget=”_self” pic_style=”” pic_style_blur=”” pic_style_color=”” pic_bordersize=”” pic_bordercolor=”” pic_borderradius=”” hover_type=”none” background_color=”” content_alignment=”center” icon_position=”” social_icon_boxed=”” social_icon_boxed_radius=”” social_icon_color_type=”” social_icon_colors=”” social_icon_boxed_colors=”” social_icon_tooltip=”” blogger=”” deviantart=”” discord=”” digg=”” dribbble=”” dropbox=”” facebook=”” flickr=”” forrst=”” instagram=”” linkedin=”” myspace=”” paypal=”” pinterest=”” reddit=”” rss=”” skype=”” soundcloud=”” spotify=”” tiktok=”” tumblr=”” twitch=”” twitter=”” vimeo=”” vk=”” wechat=”” whatsapp=”” xing=”” yahoo=”” yelp=”” youtube=”” email=”” phone=”” show_custom=”no” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” /]
[fusion_person name=”Jennifer Dingman” title=”” picture=”https://www.medtacglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/jenniferDingman.jpg” picture_id=”463|full” pic_link=”dingman_bio” linktarget=”_self” pic_style=”” pic_style_blur=”” pic_style_color=”” pic_bordersize=”” pic_bordercolor=”” pic_borderradius=”” hover_type=”none” background_color=”” content_alignment=”center” icon_position=”” social_icon_boxed=”” social_icon_boxed_radius=”” social_icon_color_type=”” social_icon_colors=”” social_icon_boxed_colors=”” social_icon_tooltip=”” blogger=”” deviantart=”” discord=”” digg=”” dribbble=”” dropbox=”” facebook=”” flickr=”” forrst=”” instagram=”” linkedin=”” mixer=”” myspace=”” paypal=”” pinterest=”” reddit=”” rss=”” skype=”” soundcloud=”” spotify=”” tumblr=”” twitch=”” twitter=”” vimeo=”” vk=”” whatsapp=”” xing=”” yahoo=”” yelp=”” youtube=”” email=”” show_custom=”no” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” /]
[fusion_person name=”Charlie Denham” title=”” picture=”https://www.medtacglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/charlieDenham.jpg” picture_id=”3966|full” pic_link=”charlieDenham_bio” linktarget=”_self” icon_position=”” blogger=”” deviantart=”” discord=”” digg=”” dribbble=”” dropbox=”” facebook=”” flickr=”” forrst=”” instagram=”” linkedin=”” myspace=”” paypal=”” pinterest=”” reddit=”” rss=”” skype=”” teams=”” soundcloud=”” spotify=”” telegram=”” tiktok=”” tumblr=”” twitch=”” twitter=”” vimeo=”” vk=”” wechat=”” whatsapp=”” xing=”” yahoo=”” yelp=”” youtube=”” email=”” phone=”” show_custom=”no” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” margin_top_medium=”” margin_right_medium=”” margin_bottom_medium=”” margin_left_medium=”” margin_top_small=”” margin_right_small=”” margin_bottom_small=”” margin_left_small=”” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=”” pic_style=”” pic_style_blur=”” pic_style_color=”” hue=”” saturation=”” lightness=”” alpha=”” pic_bordersize=”” pic_bordercolor=”” pic_borderradius=”” hover_type=”none” background_color=”” content_alignment=”center” social_icon_tooltip=”” social_icon_boxed=”” social_box_border_top=”” social_box_border_right=”” social_box_border_bottom=”” social_box_border_left=”” social_icon_boxed_radius=”” social_icon_color_type=”” social_icon_colors=”” social_icon_boxed_colors=”” social_box_border_color=”” social_icon_colors_hover=”” social_box_colors_hover=”” social_box_border_color_hover=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” /]

Blog Transcript:

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