January 6, 2022

Bystander Rescue Care and Omicron
Family Survive & Thrive Guideâ„¢

Session Overview

We are in the midst of the Omicron Variant surge. The CDC tells us the WHAT to DO. We will provide the HOW. Our more than 1,000 household responses and more than 130 subject matter experts have guided our learning community. Let’s learn together and answer:

  • How should OMICRON impact my plans?
  • TESTING: HOW do I get the right test?
  • QUARANTINE: HOW do I follow the new guidelines?
  • ISOLATION: HOW do I follow the new guidelines?
  • BREAKTHROUGH INFECTION: How deal with one?
  • How do I care for leading FAMILY EMERGENCIES?
  • How do we design a safer FAMILY GATHERING?
  • How should I “RETURN TO WORK”?

We will provide a thorough update on how to keep your employees, families, and business safer through future surges.

Go to  https://www.medtacglobal.org/coronavirus-response/ for short videos covering the critical topics. Join as we focus on family Readiness, Response, Rescue, Recovery, and Resilience.

We offer these online webinars at no cost to our participants.

Webinar Video, and Downloads

Webinar Video:

Speaker Slide Set:

Click here to download the combined speakers’ slide set in PDF format – one (1) slide per page.
Click here to download the combined speakers’ slide set in PDF format – four (4) slides per page.

To view the file, click the desired link (please note: the files may take several minutes to download). To save to your hard drive, right click on the link and choose “Save Target As.” (In some browsers it might say “Save Link As.”)

Learning Objectives:

  • Awareness:  Participants will learn the latest about the impact of COVID variants such as Omicron and emerging threats as they return to work, school, play, and worship.
  • Accountability:  Participants will understand who can be accountable for prevention of the impact of COVID harm to workers, their families, patients, and caregivers.
  • Ability:  Participants will learn certain concepts, tools, and resources that can be used to optimize prevention of harm due to COVID.
  • Action:  Participants may understand what actions may be immediately to protect workers, their families, patients, and caregivers from the harm of COVID.

To request a Participation Document, please click here.

The CAREUniversity Team of TMIT Global, approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 15996, will be issuing 1.5 contact hours for this webinar. TMIT Global is only providing nursing credit at this time.

Session Speakers and Panelists

Charles Denham, MD
Charles Denham, MD
Gregory H. Botz, MD
Gregory H. Botz, MD
William Adcox
William Adcox
Heather Foster, RN
Heather Foster, RN
Jennifer Dingman
Jennifer Dingman
David Beshk
David Beshk
Keith Flitner
Keith Flitner
Daniel Policicchio, Jr.
Daniel Policicchio, Jr.
Randal Styner
Randal Styner
David Morris, Ph.D., J.D.
David Morris, Ph.D., J.D.
Charlie Denham
Charlie Denham
John Little
John Little