June 18, 2020, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm CT / 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm ET

Pandemic Preparedness: Surfing the Next Wave

Session Overview

Dr. Marian E. Von-Maszewski is the Emergency Readiness Officer for the MD Anderson Cancer Center having exhibited extraordinary leadership during hurricane Harvey. She is now playing another critical leadership role during the Coronavirus Crisis. She is Assistant Professor, Department of Critical Care, Division of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, The University of Texas. She and a panel of experts will help us understand the lessons we have learned about patient and caregiver safety that can be applied to a second wave, another pandemic, or another crisis requiring emergency preparedness.

This emergency response initiative is part of the Global Med Tac Bystander Rescue Care program for the public.

Webinar Video, and Downloads

Webinar Video:

Click here to download the National Survey Results.

Speaker Slide Set:

Click here to download the combined speakers’ slide set in PDF format – one (1) slide per page.
Click here to download the combined speakers’ slide set in PDF format – four (4) slides per page. 

To view the file, click the desired link (please note: the files may take several minutes to download). To save to your hard drive, right click on the link and choose “Save Target As.” (In some browsers it might say “Save Link As.”)


Date, Time, Dial-in Information, & FAQs

The online webinar has previously taken place.  Please see the webinar video above.

  • 01:00 PM to 2:30 PM Eastern Time
  • 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM  Central Time
  • 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM  Mountain Time
  • 10:00 AM to 1:30 AM  Pacific Time

 Dial-in Info: Audio will be provided through your computer (VoIP) at no cost to you. If VoIP is not an option on your computer, you can use the following number to dial-in: 1-408-792-6300  Access code: 827 688 864#.   If you use this dial-in number, you will be charged by your local phone company or long-distance provider for the call.

 Frequently Asked Questions


CE Credit Information

Learning Objectives:

  • Awareness:  Participants will understand the latest information regarding protecting individuals and their families from future waves of COVID-19 Coronavirus or other pandemic infections .
  • Accountability:  Participants will understand may be accountable for new behaviors to protect individuals and their families from future waves of COVID-19 Coronavirus infections or other pandemic infections.
  • Ability:  Participants will learn how to  reduce the risk of harm from COVID-19 and other infections from what has been learned to date.
  • Action:  Participants will learn what direct line-of-sight actions must be taken reduce harm to individuals and their families from COVID-19 and other infections from what has been learned to date.

CE Participation Documentation

TMIT Global, approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 15996, will be issuing 1.5 contact hours for this webinar. TMIT Global is only providing nursing credit at this time.

To request a Participation Document, please click here.


Session Speakers and Panelists

 Marian E. Von-Maszewski, MD
Marian E. Von-Maszewski, MDPandemic Preparedness: Surfing the Next Wave
Gregory Botz, MD
Gregory Botz, MDDiscussion and Reaction to Presentation
Heather Foster, RN
Heather Foster, RNDiscussion and Reaction to Presentation
Jennifer Dingman
Jennifer DingmanDiscussion and Reaction to Presentation AND the Voice of Patient and Family
C. R. Denham, II, MD
C. R. Denham, II, MDIn the News and Recent Polling

Related Resources

  1. Time to stock your medicine cabinet for the pandemic. CNN. 6-4-20. Available here: https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/04/health/medicine-cabinet-pandemic-wellness/index.html
  2. Nearly Half of Coronavirus Spread May Be Traced to People Without Any Symptoms.TIME.5 June 2020. Available at: https://time.com/5848949/covid-19-asymptomatic-spread/
  3. Coronavirus FAQs: Is It Safer To Fly Or Drive? Is Air Conditioning A Threat? NPR. 30 May 2020. Available at https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/05/30/865340134/coronavirus-faqs-is-it-safer-to-fly-or-drive-is-air-conditioning-a-threat
  4. 5 reasons the pandemic is so very far from over.  Vox.  11 June 2020. Available here:  https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2020/6/11/21285077/covid-19-arizona-texas-next-wave
  5. Kim A and Watts A.  These are the ’10 plain truths’ about the coronavirus pandemic, according to former CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden. CNN Health. 6 May 2020.  Available at: https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/06/health/cdc-coronavirus-truths-trnd/index.html
  6. Med Tac Global Webinar.  Coronavirus – Protecting You & Your Family:  First Responder & Family Briefing.  Available here:
  7. Checklist: Care of the At Risk and Seniors at Home. Available here:  Care of At Risk & Seniors Checklist 03-19-20 0830PT
  8. National Quality Forum. Safe Practice 1: Culture of Safety Leadership Structures and Systems. IN: Safe Practices for Better Healthcare – 2010 Update: A Consensus Report. Washington, DC: National Quality Forum; 2010. Available at:
  9. National Quality Forum. Safe Practice 2: Culture Measurement, Feedback, and Intervention. IN: Safe Practices for Better Healthcare – 2010 Update: A Consensus Report. Washington, DC: National Quality Forum; 2010. Available at
  10. National Quality Forum. Safe Practice 3: Teamwork Training and Skill Building. IN: Safe Practices for Better Healthcare – 2010 Update: A Consensus Report. Washington, DC: National Quality Forum; 2010. Available at
  11. National Quality Forum. Safe Practice 4: Risks and Hazards. IN: Safe Practices for Better Healthcare – 2010 Update: A Consensus Report. Washington, DC: National Quality Forum; 2010. Available at
  12. National Quality Forum. Chapter 9: Opportunities for Patient and Family Involvement. IN: Safe Practices for Better Healthcare – 2010 Update: A Consensus Report. Washington, DC: National Quality Forum; 2010. Available at


Questions about the Webinar series or need technical assistance? 
E-mail webinars@safetyleaders.org or call 512-473-2370 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. CT